Tag Archives: Fine Art

Even better prints? How is that even possible?!?

Although my current 44″ wide, pigment-based printer is working just fine, I was feeling a little uneasy about not having a reliable back up so bought a newer model with some nifty new features, including a clear coat it lays down on luster finished paper to eliminate gloss differential and increase scratch resistance.

Fantastic custom profiles for all of our Hahnemühle papers were also obtained so the new prints will be even more awesome, if that is even possible, than ever!

And speaking of Hahnemühle … you might already know we carry their papers made of eco-friendly Bamboo and Sugar Cane but did you know they added Hemp and Agave to the line up?

I’ll post information on those some other time. Feel free to ask me about them if you just can’t wait, hee hee.
