Tag Archives: digital

Introduction to Digital Painting/Drawing!


Join us for one of two identical one-hour sessions:

10:30-11:30 or 1:00-2:00   $5 in advance, $10 at the door. Seating is limited so pre-registration is recommended.

Bring your tablet, iPad or smart phone for some fast, easy fun!

Instructor Carlton Stout is a visual artist with broad experience covering digital media arts, traditional media and digital fine arts. Carlton holds a Digital Arts degree with Honors from Hawaii Community College and has exhibited and sold work in juried shows and galleries.
He will be offering a Digital Painting & Drawing Seminar in January 2016. Take advantage of this interactive presentation to find out what to expect! There will be time for questions and answers before and after each session.

We love our new scanner!

The CRUSE Scanner’s unique light distribution system ensures the faithful reproduction of even the finest surface textures.

Yes folks, we’ve gone big time… and we’re loving it.

We’ve always thought we had a pretty good thing going here. The acquisition of a truly world-class CRUSE scanner is just icing on the cake.

Just how great are CRUSE scanners? The quality and detail of the digital files they produce make them the scanner of choice of organizations such as the Getty Foundation, The Pentagon, the Vatican and NASA, to name a few.

Weren’t we doing pretty well with what we already had?

As a matter of fact, running some tests confirmed the quality of our previous digital captures. However, they required a lot of tear-down and set-up, we couldn’t shoot through glass and we were limited when it came to the depth of texture we were able to reproduce. Well, not any more!

Come in, check it out. We think you’ll love our new scanner too!
