The CRUSE Scanner’s unique light distribution system ensures the faithful reproduction of even the finest surface textures.
Yes folks, we’ve gone big time… and we’re loving it.
We’ve always thought we had a pretty good thing going here. The acquisition of a truly world-class CRUSE scanner is just icing on the cake.
Just how great are CRUSE scanners? The quality and detail of the digital files they produce make them the scanner of choice of organizations such as the Getty Foundation, The Pentagon, the Vatican and NASA, to name a few.
Weren’t we doing pretty well with what we already had?
As a matter of fact, running some tests confirmed the quality of our previous digital captures. However, they required a lot of tear-down and set-up, we couldn’t shoot through glass and we were limited when it came to the depth of texture we were able to reproduce. Well, not any more!
Come in, check it out. We think you’ll love our new scanner too!
“Hawaii Days”, a new exhibit featuring works by Norman David Carby opens during downtown Hilo’s monthly First Friday Artwalk and runs thru Friday, March 7.
Norman has made his home in Hawaii since 1983. His paintings display a unique hard-edged, graphic style. (Although, deep down, Norman is all soft edges… he’s offered to donate 10% of any sales to benefit local musician Kahea Rosehill as he recovers from reconstructive surgery!)
Learn how to make a beautiful, functional Chinese lantern Thursday, Feb. 13th!
Living in Hilo, we are blessed with unmatched cultural diversity – and a bunch of special occasions. Just as we think we have wrapped up “The Holidays”, a new one pops up. To help keep the party rolling, HFAC is proud to present Chinese Lantern Making, “Island Style” with Kathleen Kam.
To celebrate the Year of the Green Wood Horse, participants will create Chinese Lanterns. These beautiful and functional pieces will be created in the traditional Chinese fashion, but with a bit of Big Island flair provided by Kathleen… and you!
Workshop Info:Thursday, Feb. 13 from 4-8pm
$60 per student. All supplies provided. Maximum 8 students
Register by contacting HFAC at 808-966-9995 or
Hilo Fine Art Center is proud to announce that this month we’re doing something a little different for First Friday.
We’re doing nothing.
More specifically, we are closing at 6 o’clock to go see Arthur Johnsen’s important exhibit at the EHCC/HMOCA. Arthur is one of Hawai’i’s major talents and is holding a retrospective in the Central Gallery there. It will be a beautiful room.
There is a small bit of controversy surrounding the show. Some will argue that Arthur is not nearly old enough, and certainly not dead enough, for a retrospective – but none will argue that he lacks the chops.
We will also be attending the Big Island Plein Air show at Wailoa Arts & Cultural Center. Forty artists from all around Hawaii Island will be exhibiting recent work. We look forward to viewing at least 600 pounds of landscapes there! (Mahalos to Leslie Sears for the cat herding.)
It’s a great month for Art in Hilo, and a good time to play a little hooky.
See you at the openings!
Come join the fun during Hilo’s 13th Annual Black & White Night Friday, November. 1st!
Put on your spiffiest black and white duds and come strike some silly poses in our photo booth… check out our latest black & white art, listen to live music, enjoy some pupus, then head back out for more live music, dancing, a scavenger hunt, prizes, and more!
Downtown Hilo really shines this night… don’t miss out!
This four-week class will provide exercises for observing contour, negative spaces, perspective, proportion, light and shadow. Students will find this to be a solid foundation for further study of advanced drawing, painting, graphic design, photography, sculpture, and more. These exercises also produce a relaxed but alert meditative state both enjoyable in itself and an effective tool for the maintenance of wellness and for healing.
Simple materials and an emphasis on learning not performance keep it fun for beginners and advanced students alike.
Materials: Pencils, eraser, inexpensive 9×12 sketchpad, (or printer paper and clipboard).
$60 fee covers all 4 sessions. Sessions run Wednesday evenings from 6-8pm beginning October 30, ending November 20.
A shout out today to Bob Douglas. Kudos and mahalo for going above and beyond the call as an artist.
Long story short – on the last day of Bob’s recent show with Trudee Siemann at HFAC, a man visiting from Texas showed interest in one of Bob’s large paintings. As is too often the case, the man was hoping for a significant discount from the listed price. To help facilitate the sale, we agreed to forgo the gallery commission if the man would deal with Bob directly. (Honestly, the painting was seven feet square and was to be shipped to Texas; we were content to miss out on THAT fun.) Bob negotiated the sale, crated the piece, and sent it along. Good job!
Here the story gets special. Afterwards, he came in to give us some money as a token of appreciation. We tried to refuse but he was too persistent. He out-gracioused us. We are in training to see that it doesn’t happen again.
Too many artists see galleries as enemies. They see the gallery as living off the artists’ genius and struggle, contributing little and getting much. Better to see the gallery as your co-collaborator, a partner who will handle the messy and distasteful Selling Art Thing and free you to do the fun and exciting Create Masterpieces Thing. When bringing in work to exhibit, let the gallery know the price you want for the work. Let them mark it up – whatever the number. Then, go home and make more art.
As an alternative, try selling your work door-to-door. Let us know how that works for you!
Again, kudos and mahalo to Bob Douglas!
PS- Whether selling through galleries or by yourself, always ask for a price that would make you happy. To sell a piece and be angry about it just doesn’t make sense…
Peace of Kauai’s gorgeous shell, Tahitian pearl and sea glass jewelry will be offered at special introductory prices during our First Friday event July 5th!
Each piece is beautifully designed and hand crafted by Colleen Daly using precious metals so they’ll look great for years to come. These make wonderful gifts for yourself or someone you love.
Join the fun July 5th from 6:00-8:30pm. Enjoy live music and sale prices on select items.
Limited edition giclees of illustrator Dennis Leatherman’s beautifully rendered `Alala & Lehua are now on sale with 25% of proceeds going to the ‘Alala Project. Currently the ‘alala, or Hawaiian crow, is extinct in the wild and efforts are being made to breed the birds in captivity with the hope of re-establishing them in the wild some day.
Only 50 of the 24″x8″ prints are available and are currently on sale for $100 each. The original painting can be seen as part of the Hawaii Nei exhibit now on display at Waliloa Art and Cultural Center.
HFAC owner Robbyn Peck in her super nifty spray booth, preparing to put a protective coating on some large canvas prints made for photographer Leigh Hilbert. These and several other of his amazing lava images will be used as a backdrop for a series of performances at the Four Seasons Resort at Hualalai.