Scanning Services

Large Format High Resolution Scanning

Cruse Scanner SampleWe comply with copyright law. You must be the creator of the art piece or have written permission from the artist before we can reproduce it.

HFAC uses a CRUSE Synchron 40×60 table scanner which offers touch-free, non-contact scanning under perfectly homogenous, stable lighting. The quality and detail of the digital files CRUSE produces makes it the scanner of choice for organizations such as the Getty Foundation, The Pentagon, NASA, the Vatican and more. Artists will especially appreciate the unique lighting combinations that ensure faithful reproduction of even the finest surface textures. And we can scan framed art, even under glass.*

Although digital capture technology continues to improve, even today’s most advanced equipment doesn’t record all colors exactly the same way as the eye sees them. Most scans will need some color adjustment to bring them into line with the original.

Your art is scanned full size at 360 ppi. We run tests and make the necessary corrections to bring the tones and colors of the digital file to within 90-95 % of the original, provide an 8″x10″ sized proof on the media of your choice and copy the final file onto your provided flash drive.

For those artists who require exact color matching, we will perform additional spot proofing; making further adjustments and printing test strips at a fee of $80/hr, in 1/4 hour increments.

Download 2022 Scanning Information Sheet (PDF 1.2 MB)

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